11 May 2015

I'm grateful for the knowledge that families are forever.

Sister Ranck and Sister Obley
Welp, what an interesting week it has been!!!!! But nevertheless, a very great one as always:) Happy Mothers Day to all you wonderful mothers out there! But I must say that mine is the best!!!! I love you MUM so much!!!!! I have the most supportive and selfless and CHRISTLIKE mother in the whole wide world and I hope one day to be the kind of mother that you are. I love you mama so much and miss you like crazy! But I am so grateful for the way that you have raised me in the gospel so that we can have a forever family. I love you!

Sara on Skype
Oh my Skyping home was the best thing ever. I miss you all so much but sitting here in Leighton Buzzard clear across the world and being able to skype you made me realize how grateful I am to have the knowledge that families are forever. This life isn't the end. We are preparing for an eternal family! I am so grateful for the family that I have! I love you all so much!!!!!!

Guess what I spent 2 whole days in London this week and slept over at the sisters flat in London on Tuesday night!!! That was pretty cool. The reason was because Sister Barbosa went home on Tuesday so I was companionless for pretty much a full 24 hours....... No fear though I was always with a sister at all times throughout the day! I got to go for a mini walk through Hyde Park on P day too which was pretty cool! 

Sara's New Companion
Sister Obley
On Wednesday I spent the day in London at the mission home as well being trained on how to be a trainer! I am the only sister training this transfer as there is only one brand new sister! I feel very honored... But also a lot of responsibility for this young missionary. Honestly, I feel like I am still brand new at this as well! It's only been 2 transfers... I am still a baby missionary pretty much.

The trainings are always amazing. President and Sister Jordan trained us on many different things, but most importantly, on loving this new missionary. And boy do I love Sister Obley!!!

Alright time for all of you to get to know Sister Obley!!!! She is from Samoa, but has lived in New Zealand the past 6 years!!! The first day she was really quiet, but now she doesn't stop talking. ha. She is a big jokester and I love telling her that I love her because then she just gets really awkward and doesn't know what to do... it's the best. 

She is such a great missionary already!!! On the first day that we had together we were walking to district meeting and I stopped to talk to someone and then she stopped someone all by herself that was walking the other way. I was so proud of her! I would have never done that my first day... She has no fear that is for sure. I am learning so much from her and she is already such a great teacher and knows the lessons and doctrine so well!! I am really looking forward to working with her this transfer:) 

This is the street where the
Mission Home is located in London
This weekend was Stake Conference so we spent Friday night and Sunday morning in Watford because that is where the stake center is. The drive down there was the best ever. All through the countryside and little villages! Saturday night President Jordan and Sister Jordan were there as well and spoke! Oh my I love them so much. They end their mission in June, and were super emotional. I just gave Sister Jordan a big hug and told her how much we are going to miss her because she is so amazing!

I am realizing so much how important members are in this work, and how I wish I did more missionary work when I was home. If you really love your friends and family, you will share the gospel with them and invite them to learn more. It's that simple. Take courage:)

This next week is going to be a big finding and building week and we have been praying hard to be led to those people who are being prepared, who have softened hearts, who are ready to receive and embrace the gospel. I can't wait to see miracles this week!!:)

Love you all to pieces!!!


Sister Sara Ranck

Good Bye to Sister Barbosa.  I will miss her!
This is my District
New Missionaries and Their Trainers

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