But before I get to that, lets start with the happenings of the week:)
On Monday we had a great p day and went bowling with my district! Hahaha it was a good time. It sure was weird wearing jeans though and I felt funny being in a setting with music playing... with no way to really avoid it. It was weird. But it was lots of fun though:)
President and Sister Stevens arrive tomorrow and then I will get to meet them on Friday for the first time:) I am sure they will be great and I am excited to love and learn from them as well!
On Thursday was sweet Rita's Funeral. As you know, I was asked to sing a song for her as the missionaries used to always go on Sunday afternoons to sing to her. Thank you for all of your prayers. I felt them and I felt the angels singing with me. I was able to keep it together and I felt the peaceful Spirit in my heart as I sang.
It was a beautiful service as her children and grandchildren shared wonderful memories of her. After the service as they carried her out, Bishop Fu pointed to the families to follow, and both of her daughters hurriedly ran after her, and it was at that moment where it really hit me. This is what life is all about. Uniting families for the eternities. It was such a beautiful picture in my head and as we all stood there while a beautiful piano piece was being played by a boy in the ward, I just cried and offered a silent prayer thanking my Heavenly Father for the Gospel. For the Priesthood. For the prophets and the scriptures that teach us the things of the eternities. And of course, for our Saviour Jesus Christ who makes everything possible. We are so blessed to be members of His Church. I love the Gospel with all my heart.
This week I had a really crazy experience that strengthened my testimony a lot. We were trying to contact one of our investigators who we put on date last week but have been unable to get a hold of, but she wouldn't let us in when we got there. So a little saddened we resolved to talk with everyone that we saw. We were walking down the street and tried to stop this lady and just said, "hello, how are you!" She then, walking past us, started yelling at us saying that we are a cult and how she feels sorry for us because we are not free and are slaves to God. She said the most horrible things about Joseph Smith and about how there is no way there is a God, and it took everything I had to not just explode on her. I was praying the whole time to have the strength to stay calm and know what to do. It was absolutely awful and for the first time in my life I got a little taste of what our Savior must have felt like, and still feels like. I have never felt so hurt in my life as she screamed the most horrible things about my God, and my Savior. As I sat there, listening, while dear Sister Obley was doing everything she could to help her to see the light, she said something so horrible that finally got me and I took a step towards her and said, "Don't you ever say that about my God ever again. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know God lives and I know Christ will come again." We then walked away as she continued to yell things at us. Luckily we were close to our flat so we went home and Sister Obley and I just cried together.
I felt like the prophets and missionaries that we read about in the Book of Mormon who cried to God on the behalf of their brethren. I hope so badly that she one day comes to understand the gospel so she too can feel the peace that only Christ can bring.
My testimony is stronger than ever and I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to truly stand as a witness of God.
Love you all.