And WOW I love this ward! It's amazing looking back over the past 2 transfers and seeing all that has happened here in the Gillingham 2 ward. I remember the first day getting here not knowing what the heck to do, being left with 1 investigator, a messy and disorganised area book, and a few names of less actives...... Compared to now where our schedule is so busy that we barely have time to think because of all of the people we are seeing... (Lots of less active members we are working with)! It is just amazing. I wish I could take all of the credit, but I definitely cannot. We have seen great success here in the area all because of our loving and merciful Heavenly
Father, whose goal is our ETERNAL happiness. It has been so amazing seeing how much He loves us all so much. I LOVE being able to be a tool in His hands, and have loved seeing the Spirit work in my life and the life of others! Wow I just feel blessed!!!
I love the members here as well! There are some ladies in the ward that are just my favourite ever! Hahaha everytime I think about them I just laugh! On Saturday we did some gardening for Mary and afterwords we were just talking and I think I was just laughing that entire conversation. She was like, "What is so funny! Why are you laughing at me!" Well the reason I was laughing so hard was because she was like, "Oh, one of my favourite scriptures is 2 Nephi 9:27.........." So we turn to read it and this is what it is.....
"But wo unto him that has the law given, yea, that has all the commandments of God, like unto us, and that transgresseth them, and that wasteth the days of his probation, for awful is his state!"
And she was just dead serious and said she likes it because it keeps me on the straight and narrow! Then she told us her second favourite scripture which is in D&C 121:22 which says...
"It had been better for them that a millstone had been hanged about thier necks, and they drowned in the depth of the sea."
Wow, this probably isn't even funny to you but you all just need to meet this lady because she is hilarious!
Ah I just love this ward! I think I was just smiling and laughing all week because it was just a great week! I am just so excited for this transfer!
Okay remember how last week I told you about Lisa and Aaron, the part member family we are working with? Well we had the most AMAZING lesson with them this week! Ahhhh after the lesson we pretty much floated back to the flat. The Spirit was so powerful and I just love this family so much it's crazy! We have been fasting and praying for them so much. We really feel that this family can really change this ward..... We are seeing them again on Wednesday!!!!
I want you all to know that God loves you so much. He cares about you. He wants you to be happy and to succeed, and He is there to help you every single step of the way, all we need to do is ask! It really is that simple.
Click Here for a video of a crazy hand shake with Elder Ramsay.
Click Here to see if Sister Ranck can be quiet.
Click Here for a video of a crazy hand shake with Elder Ramsay.
Click Here to see if Sister Ranck can be quiet.
Sister Sara Ranck
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