Here are some other interesting things I learned this week.... So EVERYBODY AND THEIR DOG knows about the Osmonds here and immediately connect Mormons to the Osmonds. And no joke, one of the Osmond boys served their mission here in England AND served in this ward..... ha crazy huh. Some people remember meeting him on the streets and will mention that. Anywho... there is a fun fact for the week.
One more crazy thing... Guess how much gas is... or as they would call it... petrol..... Well they do it in liters and it is in pounds, but when you convert it their gas costs around $8 a gallon... ridiculous huh! But to be fair they have smaller cars and don't drive as far as we do! But still crazy.
AND OH MY DAYS HOW ABOUT GENERAL CONFERENCE THOUGH??! Talk about a spiritual overload. It was awesome. I truly loved every second of it!! We watched it at the chapel and the first session is live at 5 on Saturday and then we watch the Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning on Sunday.. and I haven't watched the Sunday afternoon yet. Probably today sometime!
We saw lots of amazing people this week. We saw my favorite filipino girls.... Elizabeth and Mara.
Goodness I just love them. When we told Mara that transfers was coming up, she got super sad.... :( That is thee hardest part about missionary work in my opinion. You grow to love these people so much and then you just leave! But good thing your heart can never be too small, and it just keeps expanding with every person you meet. These relationships are ones that will truly last forever!
Every Monday night we have family home evening at the Stockers, (Traci, Anais, and Brandon...) And oh my days it is a party every time. This Monday we played the skittle game where you take two skittles out of the bag and if they match colors, you can swallow them, but if they don't, you have to just keep them in your mouth and you can't chew them.. it was hilarious and I think I was sick after that.
Friday we had a lovely service opportunity and rubbed tobacco off of someone's walls..... Haha welcome to England my friends. It was horrible, but it was really nice to be able to serve someone who isn't able to do much on her own, and it wasn't her fault that her grand kids always come and smoke in her home. I truly am the happiest when I completely forget about myself and focus on someone else.
Tobogganing with some of the Elders (Haysman and Davis)
and the ward mission leader
Alright, now back to conference. Wow, wasn't it just AMAZING. I feel so much the faith of the
apostles and prophets, just pleading with us to rise up and become valiant and courageous disciples of Christ.
The overall message I personally got from conference was to.....
We need to be better and stronger than we were before. My favorite talk was from the first session by Larry Lawrence..... I am trying to take his council to heart and ask myself every day, "What lack I yet?" "What can I improve today to become more like my Savior?"
I truly love and sustain our beloved Prophet Thomas S. Monson. Please pray for him! The Spirit filled my soul as he spoke. He truly is the Lords consecrated and faithful servant on the earth, literally withering away in the service of our God.
This week I pray that we may all rise a little higher and serve in our own callings with more faith and courage... Whether our calling be a father, mother, brother, sister, friend, teacher, and ultimately a disciple of Christ. God and Satan are in a battle for our hearts... WE choose who is going to win that battle. ACTIVELY CHOOSE JESUS CHRIST EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF YOUR LIFE.
I know He loves us. I know we have trials because He loves us. I know Jesus Christ knows us each individually and perfectly.
Click here to see a spider video.
Click here to see crazy missionaries in London singing the National Anthem.
Click here to see a spider video.
Click here to see crazy missionaries in London singing the National Anthem.
Sister Ranck
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